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Future of Bellingham in Your Hands

The City of Bellingham is in the middle of updating "The Bellingham Plan".  Residents have an opportunity to influence how Bellingham will develop in the years to come.

City staff is currently in the process of collecting community feedback that will guide updates to the Bellingham Plan. This plan will steer the city’s growth for the next 20 years, addressing important topics, such as housing, transportation, and climate resilience. They have completed Phase 1 (with results from their extensive community survey coming soon) and are moving into Phase 2. You can see all current Bellingham Plan engagement options on Engage Bellingham, including an interactive scavenger hunt with opportunities to win gift cards, and all Phase 2 open house event dates. The first open house will focus on the community’s collective vision for Bellingham’s future and will take place February 22.

The League of Women Voters strongly supports civic engagement, and this is a prime example.  We encourage you to sign up for project updates and make your voice heard.