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HomeVoter Services

Voter Services


The League of Women Voters of Bellingham and Whatcom County is committed to providing citizens with the tools, skills, and information they need to participate in the democratic process. 

Many volunteers in the League of Women Voters of Bellingham/Whatcom County join together to register voters, inform voters, and encourage voting.  If you're interested in helping, you are very welcome!  Below are the four voting-related  activities that take place every election season.  

Voter Registration & Get Out the Vote

One of the League's critical tasks is to get as many people as possible registered to vote and then encourage them to vote. We:

  • Teach people how to register and process their ballot
  • Inform them about important election issues that affect them

The Get Out the Vote (GOTV) campaign is an important voter registration program that helps educate people about voting, motivates interest in the issues that affect them, and emphasizes the importance of using their vote as their voice by getting registered and voting. 

We need your help to Get Out the Vote!  Click here to find out more about volunteer opportunities.

To help, click here>

Election Forums

As part of our outreach, the League hosts and moderates candidate forums throughout Whatcom County for candidates for local office. Our forums are known for being non-partisan and balanced. 

Every candidate whose name is on the ballet is invited to participate. The League has a “no empty chair rule” so we do not hold forums where only one candidate is in attendance. Issue forums feature spokespersons identified by groups supporting and opposing measures which appear on the ballot. 

Many forums are via Zoom webinar, and can be viewed live. County wide and City of Bellingham races are also broadcast on BTV Bellingham - Comcast channels 321 (HD) and 10 (SD).   Some forums are in person and are recorded for later viewing.

Election Forum volunteers help organize the forum events, contact candidates, research and write questions for candidates, serve as timers, moderate/interview candidates, provide video and audio recording support, and create press releases.  Want to help? 


To help, click here >

Directory of Elected Officials and Public Agencies

The Directory is updated every year to reflect the results of the November elections and to update contact information for elected officials and public agencies. The Directory is available as both a hard copy and on our website. Our committee verifies information by contacting agencies and offices, either by phone or by checking websites. 

We then proofread the draft copy before it goes to the printer. That work takes each volunteer 3-4 hours. We are also responsible for distributing the Directories throughout the county. The time it takes to identify and distribute to these sites can take as much time as you have.  Want to help?

To help, click here >

PO Box 4041 Bellingham, WA  98227-4041