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Get Involved!


What we do;
Why it's worthwhile;
What more we could do...

If you will help us!

At our January 27, 2024 member meeting, League leaders briefly answered three questions about their teams, and about volunteer leadership that still needs volunteers. 

The three questions were:
  1. What does your team do?
  2. Why is this team and its activities important to you?  Why do you find this work satisfying?
  3. What would you hope your team could do if you had more participation?
Curious?  Watch this video about about the variety of activities we are--or could be--doing!


Support the League's mission

Building and maintaining a healthy democracy takes work.  The League of Women Voters has been providing the tools needed to do that work for over 100 years.  Our team of volunteer members help makes sure those tools are available to everyone.  Join the team!

Click here to join >

Learn More

Not sure if you're ready to join?

Take the time to explore this website and learn more about our League. Visit a monthly meeting of a team exploring issues such as climate change, healthcare, racial equity, and more. You don’t have to be a member to help register voters and encourage them to vote. Give us a try!
To connect with one of our teams,

Click here >


Let your opinion be known

The privilege of living in a free and just society is only possible when we all use our voice and our vote to protect that privilege. The League makes it easy to stay informed and use your voice to speak up about the issues you care about.  For more information,

Click here >


The many ways to get involved

Get together with people who are passionate about democracy and the election system that supports it. Take part in election activities. Help support civics education in our schools. Visit Olympia with our lobby team. Join a group studying an issue. Join the leadership team that supports our work.  For more information,
Click here >


Be an informed voter

If you are not able to be actively involved, you can rely on the League to provide the unbiased, factual information you need to be an informed voter. Because Every Vote Counts!  For more information,

Click here >


Can you contribute a little more?

The League welcomes financial support from committed community members. Every dollar supports the work of your League.  Make a tax-deductible donation to our education fund or support our advocacy work by donating directly to your local League.   For more information and to make a donation,

Click here >

Already a Member?

Thank you!

We can help you find where your values, interests, skills, and experience can best contribute to the work of the League. Please log in and update your account  and we will be in touch.

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Nonpartisan and committed to diversity

The League welcomes everyone.   Our commitment to nonpartisanship and diversity provides the foundation for our influence and power.

Please join us >

PO Box 4041 Bellingham, WA  98227-4041