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Climate Issue Team

Leaders: Jayne Freudenberger and Vicki Thomas


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Environmental News Articles by the Climate Team

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Climate Issue Team

LWVBWC Climate Team's 2023-24 Action Plan:   Continuing our Focus on Plastic


Why is our climate team so focused on plastic?

Only CO2 being spewed from fossil fuel is worse for the environment than the manufacture and use of plastic. Sadly, they have become melded together as one of our biggest contributors to climate change and the degradation of our oceans.

Plastic* begins with fracking (cracking the under earth to produce natural gas). Doing so releases methane, the second most toxic greenhouse gas. Fracking uses huge amounts of water which is then contaminated, and increases seismic activity.

Fossil fuel companies are looking at the manufacture of plastic as their get-out-of-jail-free card as renewable energy moves up to scale and puts them out of the energy business.

But we know that manufacturing plastic also emits methane and other toxic chemicals The end product is littered all over our beaches, our oceans and our landfills. We cannot afford to let this happen because not only is plastic filling our oceans and desecrating our beaches and parks, it is ruining our health and affecting the welfare of our children. Perhaps worst of all, recycling is a myth sold by manufacturers. Plastic never, ever, goes away.

*See the illustrative video on this page detailing the effects of plastic at each stage of its never-ending life.

Click here to read the Climate Team's 2023-24 Plan of Work.

What is the Green Amendment

...and why do we need it?

Presenter:  Mimi Margulies

Climate Issue Team
February 9, 2024

*Note: this program is presented for informational purposes only
and should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the League of the opinions expressed.


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Take Action on Plastics
Take Action on Plastics

How to Find Your State Representative

Sample email to send to your state representative below

Please cut and paste or add your own thoughts for a stronger message

If you don’t know your Washington state representative and/or their email you can find them here:

Then simply click on their name and a link to their email address will come up

For other states use:

Sample postcard to Ban Plastic Beverage Bottles

(Hint: printing makes it easier to fit on a postcard and easier for the recipient to read)

Over 1 million plastic beverage bottles are purchased every minute, most containing carcinogens. These bottles pollute our waterways and our bodies. I urge you to enact legislation to ban plastic beverage bottles. 

[your name and town/zipcode]

Slightly Longer Version for Emails

Over 1 million plastic beverage bottles are purchased every minute. Two hundred thousand of these are by Coke alone. Plastic beverage bottles are one of the most frequently found items during beach cleanups. These bottles contain high levels of the carcinogen antimony and often cobalt as well. 

Plastic bottles pollute our waterways and our bodies. We need to stop plastic at the source. 

I urge you to enact legislation to ban plastic beverage bottles and replace them with sustainable glass or metal. 

[your name and town/zipcode]

Tell the 3 biggest plastic polluters to stop

Stop the petrochemical buildout

The Story of Bottled Water

The Story of Stuff Project

A Toxic Relationship:
Plastics and Your Health


Dr. Philip Landrigan, M.D., Director of Boston College’s Global  Public Health Program

Cheri Peele, Senior Project Manager at Toxic-Free Future

Heather Trim, Executive Director, Zero Waste Washington

Climate Issue Team, April 30, 2023


Plastics' Impact on Human Health:

A Free Beyond Plastics Webinar

Dr. Philip Landrigan, M.D.
Director of Boston College’s Global  Public Health Program

Jan. 12, 2023

Death by Plastic

The Climate team continues to focus on the the problem of plastics in the environment. This slide deck by Vicki Thomas describes some of the problems she has found.

Built by Fossil Fuels:

Exploring the causes of extreme weather and the impact of climate disinformation

Be sure to watch this video sponsored in part by the LWV of Washington . It is an excellent piece on the misinformation about climate change that are put out by the energy groups who have contributed to global warming.

Plastic-Free Pet Care

Safeguarding the Health of our Furry Friends

Will Mushrooms and Seaweed
Help Reduce Single-Use Plastics?

Safe Drinking Water for All


Protecting Communities from Plastic
During Lead Pipe Replacement

Additional Resources

Reports & Articles

Microplastics Infiltrate All Systems of Body, Cause Behavioral Changes

•The Perils of PVC Pipes 

Mindaroo Report on Plastics and Health

Voters Nationwide Strongly Support Plastic Mitigation Proposals 

87% of Washington Voters Support State Policies That Reduce Single-Use Plastic

2022 Bellingham Grocery Store Plastic Use Survey


Home Detox: Make Your Home a Healthier Place for Everyone Who Lives There, by Daniella Chace, MSc, CN

Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race,  by Shanna Swan

Education and Advocacy Websites

Beyond Plastic– Mission:  to end plastic pollution everywhere.  Fact sheets, reports and studies, legislation and tools to take action against the toxic impact of plastic.

Plastic Pollution Coalition– Expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to create a more just, equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts .  A powerful site for educating yourself with loads of informative videos.

Toxic-Free Future- Under their "Get the Facts" heading there is a wealth of information on healthy choices for many areas of our lives.  See their Retailer Report Card and their excellent primer on how to keep your home as toxic free as possible.

EWG – Mission: to empower people with break through research to make informed choices and live a healthy life in a healthy environment. Here you can find research-based recommendations that empower you to make informed decisions on a wide variety of products.  You can check out individual products that you use to see if they are safe for your and the environment.

Re-Sources - Bellingham based enviornmental advocacy group with many ways to get involved.

Zero Waste Washington - a key player in the fight against waste in the state.  Check out their legislative page to stay up to date on related bills in front of the Legislature.

Story of Stuff - a treasure trove of information and entertaining videos about our "stuff"-based culture.  Start with a four minute video helping you distinguish between good vs false solutions to plastic pollution.
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History - Mission - Objectives
History - Mission - Objectives


The League has always had strong environmental positions. Our League was a stakeholder in opposing the Cherry Point coal terminal. Our main focus now is Climate Action. All the issues we are working on fall under that banner in some way. Climate Change is also an issue of equitability: lower income people are bearing the brunt of toxic industries, rising seas, air pollution and food insecurity.



Support projects to ameliorate climate change…. especially the work of the City of Bellingham and Whatcom County. Support strong regulations to protect livability, living wage jobs in sustainable industries, and the maintenance of our natural resources for future generations. 



  • Support responsible lifestyle choices including banning the use of single use plastics and unnecessary plastic packaging
  • Protect Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve; support no new docks.
  • Protect the Salish Sea including a decrease in ship traffic  
  • Support equitable distribution of dwindling water resources for native and non-native fishers and farmers 
  • Support carbon free energy development including electrification of all city  buildings and multiple charge stations for electric cars
  • Work with our legislators and other allies on climate initiatives.
  • Support removing barriers to salmon passage  
  • Support efforts to clean up Lake Whatcom
  • Encourage the project to plant one million trees 
  • Honor native american treaties in everything we do.

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