Action Alert!
The Advocacy Team is currently working to support three state initiatives and one local initiative. Please join us by voting No on all the initiatives and be willing to share your thoughts and conversation with others.
Vote NO on I-2109 to protect the Capital Gains Tax. I-2109 will eliminate $5 billion from childcare and schools over 5 year. It is a tax break for the wealthy. 99.8% of Washington residents do not pay this tax. If you are not a multimillionaire, chances are you will never pay this tax.
Vote NO on I-2117 to Protect the Climate commitment Act. I-2117 would repeal the state Climate Commitment Act (CCA) which is helping Washington meet our climate goals and helping reduce energy waste. I-2117 is a tax cut for oil companies and other large polluters. The CCA funds tax credits for good paying jobs and for cleaner energy installation of heat pumps and solar panels. The CCA funds transportation, including ferries and bus passes for riders under 18 years old.
Vote NO on I-2124 Protect WA Cares. I-2124 defunds the WA cares program, ending assistance to people needing skill nursing or home care. Like Medicare and Social Security, the WA Cares fund is a support program for WA workers. It covers short term home care and paid household caregiver costs. The WA Cares fund can be used if you are out of state and is a lifeline for the meddle class.