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HomeJoin-Renew 2025

Become a Member

Renew Your Membership

Building and maintaining a healthy democracy takes work.  The League of Women Voters is a grassroots organization that has been providing the tools needed to do that work for over 100 years.  Our team of volunteer members helps make sure those tools are available to everyone.  Membership is open to anyone who is at least 16 years of age.

Join/Renew >

This button takes you to the membership portal of the League of Women Voters US. 

NOTE: When you join the League, your dues support LWVUS, LWV of Washington, and LWV of Bellingham/Whatcom County. 

Your credit card statement will show three charges.



Pay What You Can

Recommended dues: $75

NOTE:  To join at a lower or higher rate, select "Choose your own amount".  Minimum dues: $20

Scholarships are available; click here to apply.

Prefer to pay by check?  

Mail a check to:
PO Box 4041
Bellingham, WA 98227

  • Make your check out to League of Women Voters
  • Please include your email address.
New for households: You may add a second member when you join or renew.  Caution: the dues amount you choose for yourself will automatically be applied to the second person joining at the same time.  There is no discount for additional members.

Renewing your membership: You may renew your membership and update your personal information here.

Watch for renewal reminders from 


Donate >

Donate now, or donate when you join or renew.  Your dues will be allocated among the Leagues as described below.  There will be an option to add a separate donation exclusively to the Bellingham/Whatcom County League.

  • League of Women Voters US33%
    • LWVUS advocates for reforms such as the abolition of the electoral college, reducing money’s political influence, and fair redistricting.
  • League of Women Voters of Washington –  47%
    • The Washington State League advocates for State legislation supported by positions taken by the League, such as support for local journalism, universal healthcare, access to voting, and environmental issues.
  • League of Women Voters of Bellingham/Whatcom County20%
    • Our local League offers candidate information and educational programs, and advocates locally for government action on issues supported by League positions.

Member Benefits

As a member you receive publications from all League levels, including The Voter, published regularly by the League of Women Voters of Bellingham /Whatcom County. 

Questions?  Contact

PO Box 4041 Bellingham, WA  98227-4041