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HomeEvents3M's Decades-Long Attempt to Cover Up the "Forever Chemicals" in our Blood

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3M's Decades-Long Attempt to Cover Up the "Forever Chemicals" in our Blood

About this event

seagull and plastic bag

Join us, as an affiliate of Beyond Plastics, for a discussion with award-winning investigative journalist, Sharon Lerner, and Kris Hansen, a former 3M scientist who inadvertently discovered the presence of the “forever chemicals” PFOS/PFAS in the blood of the general public.

In an exposé recently published in both ProPublica and the New Yorker, Lerner detailed Hansen’s research, and her realization that the company had buried evidence that the chemical was in everyone's bodies decades earlier.

What is PFOS? How did it get to be present in almost every human’s blood, including newborn babies? What are its impacts on our health and environment? How does this “forever chemical” relate to plastics? And what can you do to protect yourself and prevent future health impacts and environmental harms?

Join Beyond Plastics at 4:00 PM PT US on Wednesday, July 24 to hear directly from Lerner and Hansen and learn more.

Register now to reserve your spot. Please feel free to share this invitation with your friends and family.

Date and Time

Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM


External Event

Registration Info

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PO Box 4041 Bellingham, WA  98227-4041