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Welcoming Immigrants to Washington State Study & Consensus

Published on 2/13/2025

Two years ago the League of Women Voters of Washington authorized a study called Welcoming Immigrants to Washington State. Now that study is completed and ready for local leagues to discuss and determine consensus with the study’s questions. Given the news of the day this is a very timely topic.

Get more information about the study here.

Consensus day for the League of Women Voters of Whatcom County is Saturday, March 1,  at 9:30 am at the First Congregational Church, 2401 Cornwall Ave.   We will have a small panel of local speakers including Hannah Stone, a local immigration attorney, to bring us current information on what is happening in Whatcom County. Then we will break into groups to determine consensus on the study’s questions. 

This will be a hybrid meeting so that as many members as possible can participate. More information on the Zoom access will come later.

We hope all members can participate in this vital discussion.  Register now.


PO Box 4041 Bellingham, WA  98227-4041