Whatcom Conservation District
The mission of the Whatcom Conservation District is to form partnerships with Whatcom County residents and entities to advance resiliency and ecological processes on working lands, residential landscapes, waterways, and open spaces for current and future generations.
Supervisor Election Information
Each Conservation District is governed by a board of five supervisors who are all local residents. Click
here to meet the District's current board members.
2025 Board of Supervisor Election
Whatcom Conservation District will hold a poll-site and mail-in ballot election for one seat on the District Board. Poll-site voting will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at the District’s office at 6975 Hannegan Road, Lynden. The poll-site will be open at 9:00 am and close at 6:00 pm. Mail-in ballots are available by request only; request one
The deadline to request a mail-in ballot is 11:59 pm on February 10, 2025. Mailed ballots must be postmarked by March 18, 2025 or hand-delivered to the District office no later than 6 pm March 18, 2025.
Voters registered in Whatcom County are eligible to vote in the District election. If you have questions regarding the District election or serving on the Board of Supervisors, contact Dawn Bekenyi at
dlb@whatcomcd.org or 360-526-2381 x 101.