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New Video Spots in Civics Ed Series

Minda Rae Amiran and the Civics Education Team have just added another pair of short videos to its public education series. The latest installment is on the Constitution’s division of powers in government, a three-way relationship that is not well understood. Most of us usually interact with the Federal government through some branch of the Civil Service, so the new videos also provide a thumbnail history of that institution. 

The videos will be posted on social media at suitable times as a way of reaching a broad audience. While the information will not be news to most League members, the “spots” aim to reach an audience that likes short messages and may never have studied—or may have forgotten—the basics of our government. Members can view all of the current videos, read vivaciously by member Siri Hiltz, by logging in to our LWV website and navigating to Our Work > Civics Education, or click the direct link here.