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League Convention Highlights from Cindy Madigan

Cindy Madigan
Highlights from Cindy Madigan, our delegate to the 2024 LWV national convention

I appreciated the opportunity to travel to DC to participate as a delegate for the 2024 LWVUS convention. Among many highlights was the successful vote by delegates to concur with our state position on Local News. I felt proud to be part of the WA delegation supporting the team that studied this issue, and  who prepared our members for participating in consensus. The team effectively reached out to the LWVUS board and other Leagues over the past year. This effort culminated in a national position to address the local news crisis and its impact on our communities and democracy.

For other highlights, refer to this article: Highlights of the 2024 LWV Convention.

I am eagerly anticipating the recordings from the event. There were so many compelling workshops to choose from, and I want to both refresh myself on the sessions I attended and catch the ones I missed.

The four breakout sessions I chose were:

  • Vermont Update to the US Privatization Position (shout out to our healthcare committee for the background I’ve gained on the healthcare crisis).
  • Program Planning Q&A (another layer of the onion skin uncovered as I continue to learn about this process).
  • It’s Not a Journalism Problem; It’s a Democracy Problem (inspiring teamwork from LWVWA).
  • Portland’s Proportional Representation (ranked choice voting) Success Story.
As many of you know, I’ve been advocating at the local and state level for ranked choice voting for both single and multi-seat elections. Meeting league colleagues from Oregon, California, Florida, and Maine who are also dedicated to this work was a joy. We are building a nationwide grassroots affinity group and resource repository: PRAG-LWV

Above all, I felt hopeful hearing and having thoughtful discussions marked by respect and healthy disagreement. Democracy in action.

This was my first in-person national convention. I would be happy to answer any questions or  provide more details to anyone who is interested.  

—Cindy Madigan

Photos from the convention:

The welcome!

Yoga mats in the courtyard for the morning wellness practice.