Beginning February 1, members will be asked to join or renew their membership in the League of Women Voters on a new website hosted by the League of Women Voters US.
If you normally renew around this time of year, we encourage you to renew now, before Feb. 1, using the current system linked to the
LWVBWC website. Log in first, and then click on your name in the upper right corner. This will help avoid potential confusion if you try to renew later using an outdated link in your renewal reminder.
The new member management system will support the League’s Transformation Journey by making it easier to join the League and reducing administration for local Leagues. They also hope to expand and diversify membership by implementing “pay what you can” dues.
Your new ID will be the email address already in your account. No password will be required, but you will need to use a code sent to your email account. Look for renewal notices sent out prior to your expiration date from the League of Women Voters US.
The recommended dues amount will be $75, but members can pay more to support the League or as little as $20. You will be able to add another person when you join or renew, and you can choose a separate dues amount for that person. This is a replacement for household membership. If you don’t like paying online, payment by check will still be an option.
LWV Bellingham/Whatcom will receive your renewal information from the national League so that we can continue to communicate with you as we always have.
Membership dues will be shared with the local and state Leagues, with local Leagues receiving roughly what we keep now, state Leagues getting more, and LWVUS keeping 33%. As a result, there will be three charges on your credit card. You will also have an option to donate directly to our local League as part of the renewal process, or you can donate through our local website.
Additional information will become available in the weeks to come. If you have any questions, feel free to contact LWVBWC President Eileen McCracken at